Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Fake Stories were all about her winning

by Deplorable4life

The crybabies that supported Hillary Clinton are on a new reason as to why Hillary lost the election of 2016. The new reason is that there were too many fake news stories on the web, social media, and everything they could not control through their media outlets. While her loss to Donald Trump was monumental from their perspective, it was not to be unsuspected due to the successful attacks of Barack Obama’s reign of terror on the American working class the last eight years. There were indeed fake news stories every single day about this election, but they were not designed to harm Hillary coronation they were there to tell us all that she was inevitable and we should not even bother to go and vote.

The daily rampage from the Media experts that were telling us that Donald Trump had no chance. He was a joke; his candidacy was just to enrich him was the fake story. The stories telling us that Hillary had an insurmountable lead in the polls was probably the largest fake story this election. The Fake stories telling the world that Hillary was going to be the one to break the glass ceiling had more to do with her loss than the media and politicians attacking Trump and his supporters daily. Hillary’s loss had nothing to do with attacks on her; there were very few coming from the press. Her loss had everything to do with the fact that she was going to be a third term for Obama.

Her loss was because people utterly loathe the woman. The people detested the policies of Barack Obama, the policies that saw almost 100 million people leave the workforce. No. Most of those leaving are not retirees; they are people like me that saw their jobs ships to some country that Obama and the Democrats signed a treaty with to let our companies leave. The policy of attacking coal country, attacking natural gas and oil production, attacking the auto industry with insane policies. Probably the biggest hurdle to Hillary’s immaculate conception to the Presidency was all the regulations that her party had forced through the last ten years. Democrats had full control of our country for four years, and after 2010 they did everything they could to silence those that disagreed with them. OF course, the spineless Republicans helped them out at every turn by failing to stand up to the child tantrums when the adults tried to reign in their terrorism against the working and taxpayers.

The truth is that over half the country was left behind in the great part-time, part-pay economy of Obama and the Democrat party. People lost their homes; they lost their jobs; they struggled to put food on the table. This last one (putting food on the table) forced tens of millions of Americans to turn from self-sufficiency to the Government. Americans do not want a Mom and Dad to take care of them after they grow up. They want to be able to take care of themselves and having to go to the Government and some bloated bureaucracy to put food on the table was more than most could take. So, yes there was fake stories this election and all were designed to do help Hillary not harm her.

When some special snowflake Hillary supporter tells you that she lost because of misogyny, racism, bigotry, or some other BS word of the day from the Democrat talking points, or that it was because of fake stories, just remind them that Trump turned blue counties Red this election season. Those people voted for Obama twice; they propelled that man-child into the oval office twice. They were not racist, bigots, or anything negative in 2008 and 2012 when they voted to put into a position of power someone with a severe personality disorder that killed more Americans in wars we should not have been involved in, to begin with. Remind them that the media and everyone said Hillary was going to win, the polls were all wrong, and that the American people were tired of being treated like Children by the Children party that gave us Obama the last eight years.